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Does old pipe lagging typically contain asbestos?

Yes, always
In most cases
In some cases
Not sure
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Question: Does old pipe lagging typically contain asbestos?
Top Answer (41% of 63 votes): In some cases.

Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Asbestos is a specialty field.
Pinkerton Inspection Agency LLC
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Yes. Pipe lagging must be tested for the presence of asbestos before being disturbed.
Quality Environmental
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Older installations were generally performed according local standards using local materials.
Reality Property Inspections
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Depends I say treat it though it were. Contact qualified contractor
North State Inspections
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Yes it can be present on old pipes.
Kairos Home Inspections
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: some lagging contains asbestos but not all
Huskey Home Inspection, LLC
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Old pipe insulation in most cases is asbestos. Suspect insulation needs to be tested before it is declared asbestos.
Best Choice Inspections
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Pipe insulation installed prior to 1980 almost always contains asbestos.
J. Michael Simon, LLC
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Asbestos pipe insulation can generally be identified as having a chalky interior wrapped in a plaster-like material.
Nicholas Home Inspection & Maintenance, Inc.
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: 50 + year old homes typically have asbestos insulation at areas, especially the ductwork.
Clearview Home Inspections Eccl.9:10
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Almost always
JCs Environmental Technologies
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Asbestos was used in homes up until the 1970s. It was used to insulate pipe, flooring, siding, and more.
Corley Home Inspections, LLC
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